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Par.2~Kamiyo-nanayo (1)

Article writtenNov.21st, 2020
The story of the Kamiyo-nanayo, seven generations of the age of the gods, emerging.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials


Main story

The next god to appear is Uhijini-no-mikoto, also called Uhijine-no-mikoto. Then, Suhijini-no-mikoto, also called Suhijine-no-mikoto.

The next god to appear is Ōtonoji-no-mikoto, also called Ōtomahiko-no-mikoto or Ōtomiji-no-mikoto. Or in another theory, Ōtonobe. Then, Ōtomabe-no-mikoto, also called Ōtomahime-no-mikoto or Ōtomibe-no-mikoto.

The next god to appear is Omotaru-no-mikoto and Kashikone-no-mikoto. Kashikone-no-mikoto is also called Ayakashikone-no-mikoto, Imikashiki-no-mikoto, Aokashikine-no-mikoto or Ayakashikine-no-mikoto.

The next god to appear is Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto.



Uhijini-no-mikoto (埿土煑尊)
Also called Uhijine-no-mikoto (埿土煑尊). Suhijini-no-mikoto's brother. In the Kojiki, Uhijini-no-kami (宇比地邇神).
Suhijini-no-mikoto (沙土煑尊)
Also called Suhijine-no-mikoto (沙土根尊). Uhijini-no-mikoto's brother. In the Kojiki, Suhijini-no-kami (須比智邇神).
Ōtonoji-no-mikoto (大戸之道尊)
Also called Ōtomahiko-no-mikoto (大戸摩彦尊) or Ōtomiji-no-mikoto (大富道尊). Ōtomabe-no-mikoto's brother. In the Kojiki, Ōtonoji-no-kami (意富斗能地神).
Ōtomabe-no-mikoto (大苫邊尊)
Also called Ōtomahime-no-mikoto (大戸摩姫尊) or Ōtomibe-no-mikoto (大富邊尊). Ōtonoji-no-mikoto's brother. In the Kojiki, Ōtonobe-no-kami (大斗乃弁神).
Omotaru-no-mikoto (面足尊)
Kashikone-no-mikoto's brother. In the Kojiki, Omodaru-no-kami (於母陀流神).
Kashikone-no-mikoto (惶根尊)
Also called Ayakashikone-no-mikoto (吾屋惶根尊), Imikashiki-no-mikoto (忌橿城尊), Aokashikine-no-mikoto (青橿城根尊) or Ayakashikine-no-mikoto (吾屋橿城尊). Omotaru-no-mikoto's sister. In the Kojiki, Ayakashikone-no-kami (阿夜訶志古泥神).
Izanagi-no-mikoto (伊弉諾尊)
Izanami-no-kami's brother. In the Kojiki, Izanagi-no-kami (伊邪那岐神).
Izanami-no-mikoto (伊弉冉尊)
Izanagi-no-kami's sister. In the Kojiki, Izanami-no-kami (伊邪那美神).

Other terms

Kamiyo-nanayo (神代七代)
The seven generations of the age of the gods. The gods those are included are different from the Kojiki.


1st aru-fumi


The two gods are children of Aokashikine-no-mikoto.


Aokashikine-no-mikoto (青橿城根尊)
Seen as the same as Kashikone-no-mikoto (惶根尊).

2nd aru-fumi


Kuninotokotachi-no-mikoto gave birth to Amenokagami-no-mikoto. Amenokagami-no-mikoto gave birth to Amenoyorozu-no-mikoto. Amenoyorozu-no-mikoto gave birth to Awanagi-no-mikoto. Awanagi-no-mikoto gave birth to Izanagi-no-mikoto.


Kuninotokotachi-no-mikoto (国常立尊)
The god of eternity of the country. In the Kojiki, Kuninotokotachi-no-kami (国之常立神).
Amenokagami-no-mikoto (天鏡尊)
A child of Kuninotokotachi-no-mikoto.
Amenoyorozu-no-mikoto (天万尊)
A child of Amenokagami-no-mikoto.
Awanagi-no-mikoto (沫蕩尊)
A child of Awanagi-no-mikoto.
Izanagi-no-mikoto (伊弉諾尊)
A child of Awanagi-no-mikoto. In the Kojiki, Izanagi-no-kami (伊邪那岐神).
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.