After, Takemikazuchinō-no-kami conquered Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni and returned to Takamagahara, Amaterasu-ōmikami and Takagi-no-kami told Amaterasu-ōmikami's son, Masakatsuakatsuchihayahi-amenōshihomimi-no-mikoto, to descend to Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni as he was ordered before. However, Masakatsuakatsuchihayahi-amenōshihomimi-no-mikoto said that when he was preparing to descend, his son, named Amenikishikuninikishiamatsuhikohikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto, was born, so his son should descend.
Amenohoakari-no-mikoto and Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto are children born between Amenōshihomimi-no-mikoto and Yorozuhatatoyoakitsushihime-no-mikoto, Takagi-no-kami's daughter. Thus, Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto was ordered to descend to the Toyoashiharamizuho-no-kuni.
When Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto was about to descend, there was a god at Ama-no-yachimata, illuminating the way from Takamagahara and Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni. So Amaterasu-ōmikami and Takagi-no-kami told Amenouzume-no-mikoto that she is a delicate girl but is never hesitant, so go ask the god, who is standing on the way of the descend of Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto. The god answered that he is Sarutahiko-no-kami, a Kunitsukami, and he heard that the child of Amatsukami is descending, so he came to guide the way.
The five gods, called the Itsunotomonō, Amenokoyane-no-mikoto, Futodama-no-mikoto, Amenouzume-no-mikoto, Ishikoridome-no-mikoto and Tamanōya-no-mikoto were going to accompany Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto. And also, the Yasakani-no-magatama, a mirror and the the Kusanagi-no-tsurugi were given to him, and Tsuneyo-no-omoikane-no-kami, Tejikarao-no-kami and Amenoiwatowake-no-kami were going to accompany too. At the last, Amaterasu-ōmikami told Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto to worship and treat the mirror as if it was her spirit, and also, Omoikane-no-kami to administer religious services and affairs of state.
The mirror is enshrined and worshipped by Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto and Omoikane-no-kami in Sakukushiro-isuzunomiya, and Toyouke-no-kami is enshrined in Watarai in gekū.
Amenoiwatowake-no-kami is a god that protects the gates of the palace, also called Kushīwamado-no-kami, or Toyoiwamado-no-kami. Tejikarao-no-kami is enshrined in Sananagata. Amenokoyane-no-mikoto is worshipped by Nakaomi-no-muraji, Futodama-no-mikoto is worshipped by Imibe-no-obito, Amenouzume-no-mikoto is worshipped by Sarume-no-kimi, Ishikoridome-no-mikoto is worshipped by Kagamitsukuri-no-muraji, and Tamanōya-no-mikoto is worshipped by Tamanōya-no-muraji as an ancestral god.