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Tenson-kōrin~Descent of Ninigi-no-mikoto

Article writtenOct.30th, 2020
The story of Ninigi-no-mikoto descending to Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials



After, Takemikazuchinō-no-kami conquered Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni and returned to Takamagahara, Amaterasu-ōmikami and Takagi-no-kami told Amaterasu-ōmikami's son, Masakatsuakatsuchihayahi-amenōshihomimi-no-mikoto, to descend to Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni as he was ordered before. However, Masakatsuakatsuchihayahi-amenōshihomimi-no-mikoto said that when he was preparing to descend, his son, named Amenikishikuninikishiamatsuhikohikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto, was born, so his son should descend.

Amenohoakari-no-mikoto and Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto are children born between Amenōshihomimi-no-mikoto and Yorozuhatatoyoakitsushihime-no-mikoto, Takagi-no-kami's daughter. Thus, Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto was ordered to descend to the Toyoashiharamizuho-no-kuni.

When Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto was about to descend, there was a god at Ama-no-yachimata, illuminating the way from Takamagahara and Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni. So Amaterasu-ōmikami and Takagi-no-kami told Amenouzume-no-mikoto that she is a delicate girl but is never hesitant, so go ask the god, who is standing on the way of the descend of Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto. The god answered that he is Sarutahiko-no-kami, a Kunitsukami, and he heard that the child of Amatsukami is descending, so he came to guide the way.

The five gods, called the Itsunotomonō, Amenokoyane-no-mikoto, Futodama-no-mikoto, Amenouzume-no-mikoto, Ishikoridome-no-mikoto and Tamanōya-no-mikoto were going to accompany Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto. And also, the Yasakani-no-magatama, a mirror and the the Kusanagi-no-tsurugi were given to him, and Tsuneyo-no-omoikane-no-kami, Tejikarao-no-kami and Amenoiwatowake-no-kami were going to accompany too. At the last, Amaterasu-ōmikami told Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto to worship and treat the mirror as if it was her spirit, and also, Omoikane-no-kami to administer religious services and affairs of state.

The mirror is enshrined and worshipped by Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto and Omoikane-no-kami in Sakukushiro-isuzunomiya, and Toyouke-no-kami is enshrined in Watarai in gekū.

Amenoiwatowake-no-kami is a god that protects the gates of the palace, also called Kushīwamado-no-kami, or Toyoiwamado-no-kami. Tejikarao-no-kami is enshrined in Sananagata. Amenokoyane-no-mikoto is worshipped by Nakaomi-no-muraji, Futodama-no-mikoto is worshipped by Imibe-no-obito, Amenouzume-no-mikoto is worshipped by Sarume-no-kimi, Ishikoridome-no-mikoto is worshipped by Kagamitsukuri-no-muraji, and Tamanōya-no-mikoto is worshipped by Tamanōya-no-muraji as an ancestral god.


Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto left the Ama-no-iwakura, pushing Ama-no-yaetanagumo aside, and descended from Ame-no-ukihashi to Kushifurutake in Takachiho in Himuka in Tsukushi. The party was led by Amenōshihi-no-mikoto and Amatsukume-no-mikoto, who were armed with an Ame-no-iwayuki, a kabutsuchi-no-tachi, an Ame-no-hajiyumi and an Ame-no-makagoya.

Amenōshihi-no-mikoto is worshipped by Ōtomo-no-muraji, and Amatsukume-no-mikoto is worshipped by Kume-no-atai as an ancestral god.

Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto said that it is a country, facing Karakuni, heading straight for Kasasa-no-misaki, lit by the rising sun and lit by the setting sun. He said that it is a nice place, and rose thick pillars on the sokotsuiwane to build a palace with higi reaching Takamagahara, decided to live there.



Amaterasu-ōmikami (天照大御神)
The god of the sun. The presiding god of the heavens.
Takagi-no-kami (高木神)
Also called Takamimusubi-no-kami (高御産巣日神). One of the Zōka-sanshin those emerged at the beginning of Tenchi-kaibyaku. The god of creation.
Masakatsuakatsuchihayahi-amenōshihomimi-no-mikoto (正勝吾勝勝速日天忍穂耳命)
Also called Amenohohi-no-mikoto (天忍穂耳命). One of the gods born in the ukei of Amaterasu-ōmikami and Susanō-no-mikoto.
Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto (日子番能邇邇芸命)
Also called Amenikishikuninikishiamatsuhikohikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto (天邇岐志国邇岐志天津日高日子番能邇邇芸命), or Ninigi-no-mikoto (邇邇芸命). Amenohohi-no-mikoto and Yorozuhatatoyoakitsushihime-no-mikoto's child.
Yorozuhatatoyoakitsushihime-no-mikoto (萬幡豊秋津師比売命)
Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto and Ninigi-no-mikoto's mother. The god of woven fabric.
Hikohono-ninigi-no-mikoto (天火明命)
Amenohohi-no-mikoto and Yorozuhatatoyoakitsushihime-no-mikoto's child. Ninigi-no-mikoto's brother. The god of agriculture.
Toyouke-no-kami (登由宇気神)
A child of Wakumusubi-no-kami, born in Kami-umi. Also called Toyoukebime-no-kami (豊宇気毗売神). The god of food, enshrined in the Gekū of Ise Grand shrine.

Gods accompanying Ninigi-no-mikoto

Amenokoyane-no-mikoto (天児屋命)
Read a norito in the Iwato-gakure. The god of norito.
Futodama-no-mikoto (布刀玉命)
Practiced a fortune-telling in the Iwato-gakure. The god of jewelry.
Amenouzume-no-mikoto (天宇受賣命)
Sung and danced in the Iwato-gakure. The god of performing arts.
Ishigoridome-no-mikoto (伊斯許理度売命)
Made the Yata-no-kagami in the Iwato-gakure. The god of casting.
Tamanōya-no-mikoto (玉祖命)
Made the Yasakani-no-magatama in the Iwato-gakure. The god of jewelry.
Other gods
Sarutahiko-no-kami (猿田毘古神)
A Kunitsukami who has come to lead Ninigi-no-mikoto. A travelers' guardian. In some theories, the archetype of Tengu.
Omoikane-no-kami (思金神)
Also called Tsuneyo-no-omoikane-no-kami (常世思兼神). The god of wisdom.
Tejikaranō-no-kami (手力男神)
Pulled Amaterasu-ōmikami out from the Ama-no-iwaya in the Iwato-gakure. The god of physical strength.
Amenoiwatowake-no-kami (天石門別神)
Kushīwamado-no-kami (櫛石窓神) or Toyoiwamado-no-kami (豊石窓神). The god that protects the gate of the palace.
Amenōshihi-no-mikoto (天忍日命)
One of the gods who led Ninigi-no-mikoto.
Amatsukume-no-mikoto (天津久米命)
One of the gods who led Ninigi-no-mikoto.


Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni (葦原中国)
The world between the Takamagahara and Yomi, on the ground surface.
Takamagahara (高天原)
The heavens, where the gods are.
Ama-no-yachimata (天の八衢)
A place between Takamagahara and Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni where the road divides in many directions.
Sakukushiro-isuzunomiya (佐久久斯侶伊須受能宮)
Said to be the Isuzunomiya (五十鈴), which is the Naikū of Ise Grand shrine.
Watarai in Gekū (外宮の度相)
Said to be the Gekū of Ise Grand shrine, in Watarai (度会), which is the Naikū.
Sananagata (佐那那県)
Said to be where Sana shrine is in Taki town, Taki district, Mie prefecture.
Ame-no-ukihashi (天浮橋)
A bridge in the heavens, on the way to the earth. The world can be overlooked from the bridge.
Kushifurutake in Takachiho in Himuka in Tsukushi (竺紫の日向の高千穂の久士布流多気)
There are various theories, such as Mount Takachiho in the border of Miyazaki prefecture and Kagoshima prefecture, or Mount Kushifuru in Takachiho town, Nishi-usuki district, Miyazaki prefecture.
Karakuni (韓国)
Said to be the Korean peninsula.
Kasasa-no-misaki (笠沙の御前)
Said to be Cape Noma in Minami-satsuma city, Kagoshima prefecture.


Yasakani-no-magatama (八尺瓊勾玉)
The magatama that would be one of the three Imperial Regalias.
Also called Kusanagi-no-tachi (草那芸之大刀) or Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi (天叢雲剣). The sword that would be one of the three Imperial Regalias.
Ame-no-iwayuki (天之石靫)
A tube to carry arrows in.
Kabutsuchi-no-tachi (頭椎大刀)
A sword with a pommel having a ball-like end.
Ame-no-hajiyumi (天之波士弓)
A name of a god's bow.
Ame-no-makagoya (天之真鹿児矢)
A name of god's arrows.

Other terms

Tenson-kōrin (天孫降臨)
Ninigi-no-mikoto descending to Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni.
Toyoashiharamizuho-no-kuni (豊葦原水穂国)
A poetical name for Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni, that is Japan.
Kunitsukami (国津神)
The gods that were born in Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni.
The child of Amatsukami (天津神の御子)
A child of an Amatsukami. Here, it is Ninigi-no-mikoto.
Itsunotomonō (五伴緒)
The 5 gods those accompanied Ninigi-no-mikoto.
Nakaomi-no-muraji (中臣連)
The Nakatomi clan. One of the major clans those oversaw national rites. Nakatomi no Kamatari is well known.
Imibe-no-obito (忌部首)
The Imibe clan. One of the major clans those oversaw national rites.
Sarume-no-kimi (猿女君)
One of the clans those oversaw national rites.
Kagamitsukuri-no-muraji (作鏡連)
One of the clans those oversaw national rites.
Tamanōya-no-muraji (玉祖連)
One of the clans those oversaw national rites.
Ame-no-iwakura (天の石位)
A place to sit, in Takamagahara.
Ame-no-yaetanakumo (天の八重多那雲)
The clouds in many layers, in Takamagahara.
Ōtomo-no-muraji (大伴連)
The Ōtomo clan. One of the major clans those oversaw military affairs. It produced many court nobles in the Nara period.
Kume-no-atai (久米直)
The Kume clan.
Sokotsuiwane (底津石根)
The bedrock deep under the ground.
Higi (氷椽)
A kind of chigi (千木), ornamental crossbeams on a roof's gable.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.