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Article writtenOct.23rd, 2020
The story of Amaterasu-ōmikami hiding in a cavern, and the world falling into darkness.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials



Susanō-no-mikoto, was allowed to enter Takamagahara, got himself carried away and ran riot, such as wasting the fields, filling up ditches, scattering feces in the palace. The gods made complaints to Amaterasu-ōmikami but she didn't punish her brother, saying that he must have did so under some ideas. But at the last, when Amaterasu-ōmikami had Kamumiso weaved in a weaving shop, Susanō-no-mikoto threw in a skinned horse through the roof. In the chaos, a weaver accidentally got struck by a shuttle and died.

Amaterasu-ōmikami was terribly grieved for this event, and she shut herself inside a cave called Ama-no-iwaya. Without Amaterasu-ōmikami, the god of the sun, the Takamagahara and Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni plunged into darkness, and suffered various calamities. The troubled Yaoyorozu-no-kami gathered at the dry riverbed of Ame-no-yasukawa and talked about what they should do. And various rituals were held, led by Omoikane-no-kami.

First, they gathered some tokoyo-no-naganakidoris and made them crow at once. Then they found a blacksmith, Amatsumara, and had Ishikoridome-no-mikoto make a mirror with the Ame-no-katashiwa of the upperstream of Ame-no-yasukawa and the iron ore of Ame-no-kanayama. Also, Tamanōya-no-mikoto made a neck ornament stringed Yasakani-no-magatamas. Amanokoyane-no-mikoto and Futodama-no-mikoto practiced a fortune-telling using a shoulder bone of a buck and a hahaka tree of Amanokaguyama, then uprooted a iotsumasakaki tree from Amanokaguyama and put the neck ornament made of Yasakani-no-Magatama on the branch of the upper part, Yata-no-Kagami on the branch in the middle, shira-nikite and ao-nikite on the branch of the lower part. Then Futodama-no-mikoto dedicated this as a gohei and Amenokoyane-no-mikoto read a norito. At the last, Amenotajikarao-no-kami hid by the Ama-no-iwaya.

Amenouzume-no-mikoto, wore a sash made with Ame-no-hikage of Amanokaguyama, a kazura made of Ame-no-masaki and held some bamboo grass of Amanokaguyama in her hand. Then in a kamu-gakari, she danced and sung on top of an overturned tub, in front of the Ama-no-iwaya, tearing off her clothing. This caused the gods to laugh, making the to make Takamagahara to tremble.

Hearing this laughter, Amaterasu-ōmikami grew curious why Amenouzume-no-mikoto is dancing so happily and everyone is laughing, and asked why, even though she is still shutting herself inside the Ama-no-iwaya and the world is in darkness. Amenouzume-no-mikoto answered that an honorable god has came, so everyone is singing and dancing with joy. Amanokoyane-no-mikoto and Futodama-no-mikoto showed Amaterasu-ōmikami the Yata-no-Kagami. Amaterasu-ōmikami thought the reflection in the Yata-no-Kagami was the honorable god, and leaned out more to see closely.

As Amaterasu-ōmikami leaned out, Amenotajikarao-no-kami caught her hand and pulled her out of the Ama-no-iwaya. At the same time, Futodama-no-mikoto placed a shime-nawa across the entrance so she cannot go back in. Since Amaterasu-ōmikami came out of the Ama-no-iwaya, light was restored to Takamagahara and Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni.

Susanō-no-mikoto, who caused this incident, was expelled from Takamagahara, after his belongings were taken away and his nales and beard were cut.



Amaterasu-ōmikami (天照大御神)
The god of the sun. The presiding god of the heavens.
Susanō-no-mikoto (須佐之男命)
A savage god.

Gods of Takamagahara

Omoikane-no-kami (思金神)
The god of wisdom.
Amatsumara (天津麻羅)
The god of smithery.
Ishikoridome-no-mikoto (伊斯許理度売命)
The god of casting.
Tamanōya-no-mikoto (玉祖命)
The god of jewelry.
Amanokoyane-no-mikoto (天児屋命)
The god of norito.
Futodama-no-mikoto (布刀玉命)
The god of fortune telling.
Amenotajikarao-no-kami (天手力男神)
The god of physical strength.
Amenouzume-no-mikoto (天宇受売命)
The god of performing arts.


Takamagahara (高天原)
The heavens, where the gods are.
Ashiharanakatsu-no-kuni (葦原中国)
The world between the Takamagahara and Yomi, on the ground surface.
Ama-no-iwaya (天石屋)
Also called Ame-no-iwato (天岩戸). A rock cavern in Takamagahara. Although it is in the heavens, legends remain in some places that says that the place is the Ama-no-iwaya, such as Takachiho in Miyazaki prefecture.
Ame-no-yasukawa (天の安河)
A river flowing through Takamagahara.
Ame-no-kanayama (天金山)
A mountain which iron can be found, in Takamagahara.
Amanokaguyama (天香山)
A mountain in Takamagahara.


Kamumiso (神御衣)
Clothes dedicated to gods.
Yata-no-kagami (八尺鏡)
The mirror that would be one of the three Imperial Regalias.
Yasakani-no-magatama (八尺瓊勾玉)
The magatama that would be one of the three Imperial Regalias.
Shira-nikite (白丹寸手)
Cloth made from the skin of mulberry trees.
Ao-nikite (青丹寸手)
Hemp cloth.
Kazura (鬘)
A hair ornament plants.
Shime-nawa (注連縄)
A sacred straw festoon used as a barrier.

Other terms

Iwato-gakure (岩戸隠れ)
Amaterasu-ōmikami hiding in the Ama-no-iwaya.
Yaoyorozu-no-kami (八百万の神)
The many gods.
Tokoyo-no-naganakidori (常世長鳴鳥)
A long-singing rooster of that tells the end of the night.
Ame-no-katashiwa (天堅石)
Hard rocks, of Takamagahara.
Hahaka tree (波波迦の木)
Japanese bird cherry tree.
Iotsumasakaki (五百津真賢木)
A leafy evergreen tree.
Gohei (御幣)
A kind if offering to the gods.
Norito (祝詞)
Ritual incantations addressed in Shintō rituals.
Ame-no-hikage (天之日影)
Ground pine, of Takamagahara.
Ame-no-masaki (天之真拆)
Winter creeper, of Takamagahara.
Kamu-gakari (神懸かり)
Divine possession.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.