After escaping from Yomi, Izanagi-no-mikoto did a misogi at Awakihara, in Odo in Tachibana in Himuka in Tsukushi, to wash off the kegare of Yomi.
First, when he took of what he was wearing, 12 gods were born from the clothing. Tsukitatsufunato-no-kami was born from his cane, Michinonagachiha-no-kami was born from his belt, Tokihakashi-no-kami was born from his bag, Wazurahinoushi-no-kami was born from his gown, Chimata-no-kami was born from his hakama, Akiguinoushi-no-kami was born from his crown, Okizakaru-no-kami, Okitsunagisabiko-no-kami and Okitsukaibera-no-kami was born from the tamaki of his left hand and Hezakaru-no-kami, Hetsunagisabiko-no-kami and Hetsukaibera-no-kami was born from the tamaki of his right hand.
Then Izanagi-no-mikoto said that the upstream of the river is flowing too fast but the downstream is too slow, and bathed in the midstream of the river. When he bathed in the water, two gods of calamity, Yasomagatsuhi-no-kami and Ōmagatsuhi-no-kami emerged from the kegare, and also, three gods correcting calamity, Kaminaobi-no-kami, Ōnaobi-no-kami and Izunome were born too. Then, when he purified himself at the bottom of the river, Sokotsutsunō-no-kami and Sokotsuwatatsumi-no-kami were born. When he purified himself at the middle of the river, Nakatsutsunō-no-kami and Nakatsuwatatsumi-no-kami were born, and at the surface, Uwatsutsunō-no-kami and Uwatsuwatatsumi-no-kami were born.
The three gods, Watatsumi-no-kami are worshipped as an ancestral god by Azumi-no-muraji, who are the descendants of Utsushihikanasaku-no-mikoto a child of Watatsumi-no-kami. Sokotsutsunō-no-kami, Nakatsutsunō-no-kami and Uwatsutsunō-no-kami are the Suminoe-no-mimae-no-ōkami