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Kami-umi~Giving birth to gods

Article writtenOct.21st, 2020
The story of the birth of various gods.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials
Interpretation may vary depending on the historical materials



After giving birth to the the islands, Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to a variety of gods. First they gave birth to Ōgotōshio-no-kami. Then the six gods called the "Kataku-rokushin", Iwatsuchibiko-no-kami, Iwasuhime-no-kami, Ōtohiwake-no-kami, Amenofukio-no-kami, Ōyabiko-no-kami and Kazamotsuwakenōshio-no-kami. Then they gave birth to various gods presiding over nature.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to the god of the sea, Ōwatatsumi-no-kami, the god of the mouth of a river, Hayākitsuhiko-no-kami and Hayākitsuhime-no-kami.

Also, their children, Hayākitsuhiko-no-kami and Hayākitsuhime-no-kami, gave birth to 4 pairs of gods sharing the seas and rivers, Awanagi-no-kami and Awanami-no-kami, Tsuranagi-no-kami and Tsuranami-no-kami, Amenomikumari-no-kami and Kuninomikumari-no-kami, Amenokuhizamochi-no-kami and Kuninokuhizamochi-no-kami.

Next, Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to the god of the wind, Shinatsuhiko-no-kami, the god of trees, Kukunochi-no-kami, the god of the mountains, Ōyamatsumi-no-kami, and the god of the field, Kayanohime-no-kami.

Also, their children, Ōyamatsumi-no-kami and Kayanohime-no-kami gave birth to another 4 pairs of gods sharing the mountains and the fields, Amenosazuchi-no-kami and Kuninosazuchi-no-kami, Amenosagiri-no-kami and Kuninosagiri-no-kami, Amenokurado-no-kami and Kuninokurado-no-kami, Ōtomahiko-no-kami and Ōtomahime-no-kami.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto then gave birth to Torinoiwakusubune-no-kami, Ōgetsuhime-no-kami and Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami. Torinoiwakusubune-no-kami is also called Amenotorifune-no-kami, and Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami is also called Hinoyagihayao-no-kami or Hinokagabiko-no-kami. However, when Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami, the god of fire, Izanami-no-mikoto was badly injured.


Although Izanami-no-mikoto was still suffering, some more gods were born from her filth. Kanayamabiko-no-kami and Kanayamabime-no-kami was born from her excreta, Haniyasubiko-no-kami and Haniyasubime-no-kami was born from her feces, Mitsuhanome-no-kami and Wakumusubi-no-kami was born from her urine. Wakumusubi-no-kami' child is Toyoukebime-no-kami. But in the end Izanami-no-mikoto died.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to 14 islands and 35 gods, before Izanami-no-mikoto died. However, Onogorojima is not counted, and Hiruko and Awashima is not considered as their child.

When Izanagi-no-mikoto cried, another god, Nakiwame-no-kami, enshrined in Konomoto in Uneo in Kaguyama, was born from the tears. Izanagi-no-mikoto burried Izanami-no-mikoto in Hiba-yama, at the border of Izumo-no-kuni and Hōki-no-kuni.


But in an act of grief and rage, Izanagi-no-mikoto killed Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami with his totsuka-no-tsurugi. 8 gods Iwasaku-no-kami, Nesaku-no-kami, Iwatsutsunō-no-kami, Mikahayahi-no-kami, Hihayahi-no-kami, Takemikazuchinō-no-kami, Kuraokami-no-kami and Kuramitsuha-no-kami, emerged from the blood that dripped on to the yutsuiwamura from the sword.

And 8 more gods, Masakayamatsumi-no-kami, Odoyamatsumi-no-kami, Okuyamatsumi-no-kami, Kurayamatsumi-no-kami, Shigiyamatsumi-no-kami, Hayamatsumi-no-kami, Harayamatsumi-no-kami and Toyamatsumi-no-kami, were born from the remains of Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami.

The Totsuka-no-tsurugi, Izanagi-no-mikoto used to kill Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami, is named the Ame-no-ohabari.



Izanagi-no-mikoto (伊邪那岐命)
The god that gave birth to the soil of Japan, with Izanami-no-mikoto. Izanami-no-mikoto's brother and husband.
Izanagi-no-mikoto (伊邪那岐命)
The god that gave birth to the soil of Japan, with Izanami-no-mikoto. Izanagi-no-mikoto's sister and wife.

Gods born in Kami-umi

Iwatsuchibiko-no-kami (石土毘古神)
The god of soil.
Iwasuhime-no-kami (石巣比売神)
The god of sand.
Ōtohiwake-no-kami (大戸日別神)
The god of the door.
Amenofukio-no-kami (天之吹男神)
The god of roof covering.
Ōyabiko-no-kami (大屋毗古神)
The god of the roof.
Kazamotsuwakenōshio-no-kami (風木津別之忍男神)
The god protecting the home from the wind.
The gods presiding over nature
Ōwatatsumi-no-kami (大綿津見神)
The god of the sea.
Hayākitsuhiko-no-kami (速秋津比古神)
The god of the mouth of the river.
Hayākitsuhime-no-kami (速秋津比売神)
The god of the mouth of the river.
Shinatsuhiko-no-kami (志那都比古神)
The god of the wind.
Kukunochi-no-kami (久久能智神)
The god of trees.
Ōyamatsumi-no-kami (大山津見神)
The god of the mountains.
Kayanohime-no-kami (鹿屋野比売神)
The god of the field.
Other gods
Ōgotōshio-no-kami (大事忍男神)
The god of achievement. The first god Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth.
Torinoiwakusubune-no-kami (鳥之石楠船神)
God’s ship. Also called Ame-no-torifune (天鳥船神).
Ōgetsuhime-no-kami (大冝都比売神)
The god of grains.
Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami (火之迦具土神)
Also called Hinoyagihayao-no-kami (火之夜芸速男神), and Hinokagabiko-no-kami (火之炫毗古神). The god of fire.
Toyoukebime-no-kami (豊宇気毗売神)
Wakumusubi-no-kami's child. The god of food, enshrined in the Gekū of Ise grand shrine.
Nakiwame-no-kami (泣沢女神)
The god born from the tears of Izanagi-no-mikoto, after Izanami-no-mikoto's death.
The children of Hayākitsuhiko-no-kami and Hayākitsuhime-no-kami
Awanagi-no-kami (沫那藝神)
The god of foam.
Awanami-no-kami (沫那美神)
The god of foam.
Tsuranagi-no-kami (頬那藝神)
The god of water surface.
Tsuranami-no-kami (頬那美神)
The god of water surface.
Amenomikumari-no-kami (天之水分神)
The god of irrigation.
Kuninomikumari-no-kami (国之水分神)
The god of irrigation.
Amenokuhizamochi-no-kami (天之久比奢母智神)
The god of calabash. Calabash was used to store water.
Kuninokuhizamochi-no-kami (国之久比奢母智神)
The god of calabash. Calabash was used to store water.
The children of Ōyamatsumi-no-kami and Kayanohime-no-kami
Amenosazuchi-no-kami (天之狭土神)
The god of soil.
Kuninosazuchi-no-kami (国之狭土神)
The god of soil.
Amenosagiri-no-kami (天之狭霧神)
The god of fog.
Kuninosagiri-no-kami (国之狭霧神)
The god of fog.
Amenokurado-no-kami (天之闇戸神)
The god of darkness, or the valley.
Kuninokurado-no-kami (国之闇戸神)
The god of darkness, or the valley.
Ōtomahiko-no-kami (大戸惑子神)
Said to be a deification of being lost.
Ōtomahime-no-kami (大戸惑女神)
Said to be a deification of being lost.
The gods born from Izanami-no-mikoto's filth
Kanayamabiko-no-kami (金山毘古神)
A god born from the excreta. The god of mining.
Kanayamabime-no-kami (金山毘売神)
A god born from the excreta. The god of mining.
Haniyasubiko-no-kami (波邇夜須毘古神)
A god born from the feces. The god of soil.
Haniyasubime-no-kami (波邇夜須毘売神)
A god born from the feces. The god of soil.
Mitsuhanome-no-kami (彌都波能売神)
A god born from the urine. The god of water.
Wakumusubi-no-kami (和久産巣日神)
A god born from the urine. The god of production. The mother god of Toyoukebime-no-kami.
The gods born before from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's blood
Iwasaku-no-kami (石折神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the tip of the blade of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
Nesaku-no-kami (根折神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the tip of the blade of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
Iwatsutsunō-no-kami (石筒之男神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the tip of the blade of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
Mikahayahi-no-kami (甕速日神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the root of the blade of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
Hihayahi-no-kami (樋速日神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the root of the blade of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
Takemikazuchinō-no-kami (建御雷之男神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the root of the blade of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
Kuraokami-no-kami (闇淤加美神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the hilt of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
Kuramitsuha-no-kami (闇御津羽神)
A god born from the blood that dripped from the hilt of totsuka-no-tsurugi.
The gods born before from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's body
Masakayamatsumi-no-kami (正鹿山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's head.
Odoyamatsumi-no-kami (淤縢山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's thorax.
Okuyamatsumi-no-kami (奥山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's abdomen.
Kurayamatsumi-no-kami (闇山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's genitals.
Shigiyamatsumi-no-kami (志藝山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's left arm.
Hayamatsumi-no-kami (羽山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's right arm.
Harayamatsumi-no-kami (原山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's left leg.
Toyamatsumi-no-kami (戸山津見神)
A god born from Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami's right leg.


Izumo-no-kuni (出雲国)
Izumo province. The eastern part of modern Shimane prefecture.
Hōki-no-kuni (伯岐国)
Hōki province. A part of modern Tottori prefecture.
Konomoto in Uneo in Kaguyama (香山の畝尾の木本)
Said to be where Uneotsutamoto is, in Kashihara city, Nara prefecture.
Hibayama (比婆山)
The mountain Izanami-no-mikoto was burried. Legends are left in some places, such as Mount Hiba in Yasugi city, Shimane prefecture.


Totsuka-no-tsurugi (十拳剣)
Means a sword 10 tsukas long. A tsuka is the length of one fist. The sword Izanagi-no-mikoto has is named Ame-no-ohabari (天之尾羽張).

Other terms

Kami-umi (神生み)
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto, giving birth various gods.
Kataku-rokushin (家宅六神)
The six gods protecting homes.
Kamu-sari (神避り)
A god, Izanami-no-mikoto, leaving to the land of the dead.
Kashin-hisatsu (火神被殺)
Izanagi-no-mikoto killing the god of fire, Hinokagutsuchi-no-kami.
Yutsuiwamura (湯津石村)
Sacred rocks.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.
Interpretation may vary depending on the historic material.