Public transportation
The nearest station to Munakata Taisha Hetsugū is Tōgō station on the JR Kagoshima line. It is about 30 minutes from Hakata station in Fukuoka city and about 45 minutes from Kokura station in Kita-kyūshū city.
It is about 15 minutes from Tōgō station to Munakata Taisha-mae bus stop by Nishitetsu bus bound for Kōnominato-hatoba or Kōyōdai-roku-chōme. Buses are operated almost once an hour.
About an hour from the station on foot.

Also, express buses are operated from Tenjin-chuō-yūbinkyoku-mae bus stop in central Fukuoka 3 times a day on weekdays, and 5 times on weekends.